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After Work as a Media Designer

Annalisa explains how you can rediscover your own environment through conscious perception.

2 Min.

Annalisa Fischer

Designing media means preparing and visually translating any type of information in order to present it in a tangible way for the target group. The design consists of various parts (including color, font, form and image language), which in the end result in a large whole. In the process itself, it is important to question and optimize what has been created again and again until even the last detail is harmoniously integrated into the overall picture. You always pay attention to many different aspects: Have the defined color values been adopted exactly or are there minimal deviations? Do you achieve the optimal effect with the image sections or might something be unfavorably on/off? Are the distances between the elements uniform? Were the correct glyphs used on a microtypographical level or did inch marks creep in instead of “”? ...

As a result of this process, as a designer, you subconsciously develop sharpened powers of observation that cannot be switched off even after work. You start to experience your own environment anew with open eyes and discover details that you have not (consciously) noticed until now. For example, how often have you asked yourself whether you have to drive left or right to the gas pump when refueling? The solution is shown to you right next to the fuel meter and you have certainly already seen it a hundred times unconsciously. The symbol of the gas pump is supplemented by a small arrow, which shows which side the gas cap is on and thus makes unnecessary maneuvering redundant from the start.

In addition to small visual aids in everyday life, you often discover details that can, in turn, inspire you. On a journey through a city, for example, you perceive flyers, posters, digital city posters or campaigns in a much more intensive way and unconsciously analyze the design elements. In addition to marketing measures, this also includes orientation systems or infographics such as illustrations of public transport connections or city maps with various topics, which can also serve as a source of inspiration. In addition to these many small components that contribute to the appearance of a city, the big picture also counts – similar to the design process. In urban areas, this can be transferred to construction and architecture and to social parameters such as culture and inhabitants, which also characterize and decisively shape the image. You suddenly come across a colorful combination that enriches your experience and often makes you pause to enjoy the impression it makes.

It is always a valuable moment when you discover new details in your familiar environment. When I lived in Berlin, it was only after a few weeks that I noticed the many little cork men on signs all over the city. Since then, they've always put a small smile on my face. Feel free to start the experiment and try to consciously perceive your everyday environment. You will certainly discover some subtleties that you have never noticed before.

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