Excuse me? A tool that delivers finished texts on all sorts of topics in seconds, in different genres, forms and languages? That even tells jokes? It's no wonder that many journalists and copywriters (m/f/d) see the end of their profession coming.
Alright, let's face the facts boldly. My first impression: I don't believe that. How the bot thinks briefly and then spits out words. First hesitantly, then increasingly faster. Until everything is out. I read along and realize: It makes sense. It's nice and handy. Clearly structured, with a beginning, middle and end. Paragraphs are usefully separated from each other, there are bullets and no comma errors. I'm giving AI another task. And another. And one more. Wow. A really impressive show. And it's free of charge.
The – hoped for? – Disillusionment comes at second glance. The words feel lifeless, have no soul, no spirit. There are deficiencies in content and errors in detail. It's no wonder that the bot in the footer generally rejects any responsibility for the accuracy of its content. Well, I think with a pinch of malice, it's not the end of the world as we writers know it.
Until I think about what ChatGPT actually is: a tool, not a serving tray. The bot delivers content and makes useful suggestions. It is a driving force that takes away the fear of a blank canvas. It does that very well. But it is up to the user to look closely, check, continue researching and refine until a first-class text comes out in terms of form and content. Whether in advertising, journalism or science.
I'm not worried about copywriting because of ChatGPT. I use the bot when I feel like I need suggestions or properly formulated input on a specific topic. But it remains the same: A professional text needs more than content – it needs love. And ChatGPT can't give that.
Would I notice if a message, a technical article or a brochure text comes completely from the computer? Certainly not always. And I don't want to know how many texts already come from the digital retort 1:1 today. Definitely not from Bergwerk. I want words that taste like life, not like machines. Texts that show that they have been kneaded for so long that they are almost impossible to improve. Texts from good minds, not from good algorithms. I'm sure our customers want that too.
One more word about jokes. In my childhood, we would have commented on what the bot delivers with “Come on out, you're surrounded”. Want an example? Here is the result of my input “Tell a musician joke”:
Why did the musician put his sheet of music in the fridge?
Because he thought he was playing a refrigerator symphony and wanted to be at the right temperature for the performance!
I think that even comedians don't have to worry about their future right now.
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