New: Bergwerk Fashion


Copywriter — Good Listener — Connoisseur
Martin Wiedemann
Martin Wiedemann
Text & Concept
Special Skills
  • Slogans
  • Naming
  • Manifestos
  • Editorial Team
Come hell or high water.

Martin has worked in marketing communications for many years and has worked both in agencies and in companies for well-known brands. He switched to Bergwerk because he found something unusual here: the quest for quality, not for size. The fact that he does not display a boomer habit in everyday agency life has earned him sympathy right from the start. The Kumpels rely on his expertise – and he trusts that of his Kumpels. The way he likes it: pragmatic, practical, good.

When Martin isn't brooding over ideas or polishing lyrics to a high gloss, the New Upper Franconian likes to listen to music on vinyl records and play the electric guitar loudly.

Martin in the blog

ChatGPT: Texter's Friend or Foe?

A (subjective) inventory of Martin, copywriter and concept developer at Bergwerk.